What Makes the Body Healthy?

The natural effortless state of the body is health. From the smallest cell to the totality of the body's very existence, your body knows to be healthy, for that is its nature from it's beginning as a single cell to its existence as a universe of trillions of cells. The body doesn't know how to be sick or "diseased" in any way and from moment to moment it is striving to do what it needs to do to be as healthy as it can be given the resources available to it to use in that endeavor.

Each and every cell knows what to do and how to do it for it is a product of nature and a participant in the natural power of nature. As health is your body's natural state of ease, disease is not a natural state. In fact "disease" literally means "lack of ease", and not the presence of "something" we typically have been taught to believe is there. Disease doesn't weigh anything, have a color, occupy some space and we can't pick it up and ship it somewhere. Disease is a description of a perceived event taking place in a living system, usually the human body. Disease is a word, not a thing. It's the menu not the meal and it's most often used in the sense that it has existence such as an object we can pick up and carry around in our pocket. This interpretation contributes it's own form of misunderstanding which can interfere with the body's mandate.

Disease represents any unnatural event in the body that interferes with the body's natural state of health. This interference can take place before the moment of conception through the entire life cycle of the body and be considered normal, even though it is not natural.

Interference can be energetic and may take the form of thoughts, words and deeds that ultimately do not support the natural healthy state of the body. What you think, say or do about your body influences it's state of health. It may not be obvious but it is nevertheless true. Thoughts alone are so influential that they have to be taken into consideration especially when conducting a scientific clinical study on the body's response to the testing of drugs. The "Placebo effect" is the influence of thoughts on the human body. Spoken words also have an immediate positive or negative affect on the body. Substances produced by nature have a different affect on the body as compared to man made substances, and this is especially true of anything harmful to individual cells such as prescription drugs, most medicines and other synthetic or artificial substances.

Below are a few examples of "beneficial vs. harmful" words that actually influence muscle strength as tested kinesiologically. Interestingly, if you only think of the word, the same results will be produced regarding initial muscle strength as if you had also spoken the word.

Appreciative vs. Envious Giving vs. Taking Loyal vs. Chauvinistic Serving vs. Ambitious
Approving vs. Critical Harmonious vs. Disruptive Natural vs. Artificial Significant vs. Important
Brilliant vs. Clever Healing vs. Irritating Nurturing vs. Draining Sober vs. Intoxicated
Concerned vs. Judgemental Helpful vs. Meddling Open vs. Secretive Spiritual vs. Materialistic
Confident vs. Arrogant Holistic vs. Analytic Optimistic vs. Pessimistic Tender vs. Hard
Constructive vs. Destructive Honest vs. Legal Peaceful vs. Belligerent Thrifty vs. Cheap
Defending vs. Attacking Impartial vs. Righteous Powerful vs. Forceful Tolerant vs. Prejudiced
Democratic vs. Dictatorial Ingenious vs. Scheming Praising vs. Flattering Trusting vs. Gullible
Devoted vs. Possessive Joyful vs. Pleasurable Privileged vs. Entitled Unifying vs. Dividing
Diplomatic vs. Deceptive Just vs. Punitive Requesting vs. Demanding Unselfish vs. Selfish
Flexible vs. Rigid Kind vs. Cruel Respectful vs. Demeaning Valuing vs. Exploitive
Gentle vs. Rough Leading vs. Coercing Responsible vs. Guilty Virtuous vs. Celebrated

It gets down to this. Any activity that is non-life affirming is not only non-supportive of life itself, but also of health itself. There is a natural energetic quality to any thought, word or deed that is supportive of health. Health and Life are one and the same. The lack of that quality weakens the body. It's as if the weak thought, word or deed doesn't provide the full potential necessary for health/life to naturally express itself, similar to the body being malnourished. A person under hypnosis can be told to put their arm in a fire that actually doesn't exist, and they can develop blisters on their arm as a result. It doesn't matter that the fire doesn't "really" exist, all that is required is that they believe it does.

The following is Chapter 17 excerpted from the book Power vs Force by Dr. David R. Hawkins with permission from the publisher, Hay House, Inc. Use of this information does not represent an endorsement of any part of this web site by Dr. David R. Hawkins or the publisher.

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Physical Health and Power

We become healthy, as well as wealthy, by being wise. But what is wisdom? According to our research, it's the result of aligning with high-power attractor patterns -- although we tend to find a mixture of energy fields in the average life, the pattern with the highest power dominates. We've now explored sufficient material to be able to introduce a basic dictum of nonlinear dynamics and attractor research: Attractors create context. In essence, this means that one's motive which arises from the principles that one is committed to, determines one's capacity to understand and , therefore, gives significance to one's actions.

The effect of alignment with principle is never more striking than in its physiological consequences. Vibrant health follows alignment with high-energy attractor patterns; alignment with weak patterns results in disease. That syndrome is specific and predictable, and can be proven through a demonstration meeting the scientific criterion of 100 percent replicability, is a fact that by now is familiar.

The human central nervous system clearly has an exquisitely sensitive capacity to differentiate between life-supportive and life-distructive patterns. High-power attractor energy patterns, which make the body go strong, release brain endorphins and have a tonic effect on all of the organs; adverse stimuli release adrenaline, which suppressed immune response and instantaneously causes both weakness and even breakdown of specific organs, depending on the nature of the stimulus.

This clinical phenomenon forms the basis for such treatments as chiropractic, acupuncture, reflexology, and many others. These therapies, however, are usually designed to correct the results of an energy imbalance, but unless the basic attitude that's causing the energy imbalance is corrected, the illness tends to return. People by the millions in self-help groups have demonstrated that health and recovery from the entire gamut of human behavioral problems and illnesses comes as a result of adopting attitudes correlated with high-energy attractor patterns (that is, spiritual).

Generally speaking, physical and mental soundness are attendant upon positive attitudes, whereas poor physical and mental health are associated with such negative attitudes as resentment, jealousy, hostility, self-pity, fear, anxiety, and the like. In the field of psychoanalysis, positive attitudes are called welfare emotions, and the negative ones are called emergency emotions. Chronic immersion in emergency emotions results in ill health and a gross weakening of one's personal power.

How does one overcome negative attitudes so as to avoid this deterioration of power and health? Clinical observation indicated that the patient must reach a decision: A sincere desire for change allows one to seek higher attractor energy patterns in their various expressions. For instance, one doesn't get over pessimism by associating with cynics; the popular idea that you're defined by the company you keep does have some clinical basis. Attractor patterns tend to dominate any field; thus all that's really necessary is to expose oneself to a high-energy field and one's inner attitudes will spontaneously begin to change. This is a well-known phenomenon among self-help groups -- it's reflected in the saying. "Just bring the body to the meeting." If you merely expose yourself to the influence of higher patterns, they begin to "rub off," or, as it's been said. "You get it by osmosis."

Traditional medicine generally holds that stress is the cause of many human disorders and illnesses. The problem with this diagnosis is that it doesn't accurately address the source of the stress. It looks to blame external circumstances, without realizing that all stress is internally generated by one's attitudes. I must emphasize again that it isn't life's events, but one's reaction to them, that activates the symptoms of stress. As we've already discovered, a divorce can bring about agony or relief; and challenges on the job can result in stimulation or anxiety, depending on whether one's supervisor is perceived to be a teacher or an ogre.

Our attitudes stem from our positions, and our positionality has to do with motive and context. According to the overall way that we interpret the meaning of events, the same situation may be tragic or comic. Physiologically speaking, in the choice of attitude, one chooses between anabolic endorphins or catabolic adrenaline.

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The Power of Nutrition

It would be foolish to claim that the only impacts on our health are those originating internally, for impersonal elements of the physical world can also increase or decrease our strength. Here, too, kinesiological testing is valuable: It will clearly show that synthetics, plastics, artificial coloring, preservatives, insecticides, and artificial sweetener (just to mention a few) make the body go weak; whereas substances that are pure, organic, or made by human hands tends to make us go strong. If we experiment with vitamin C, for example, we find that organic is far superior to chemically produced -- one makes you go strong and the other does not. Likewise, eggs from organically fed free range chickens have much more intrinsic power than eggs from caged and chemically fed chickens. The health-food movement seems to have been right all along.

Unfortunately, neither the American Medical Association nor the National Council on Food and Nutrition have a history of being enlightened in the field of nutrition. The scientific community now finally recognizes that nutrition is related to behavior and health, but this simple observation caused quite a controversy 20 years ago when the book Orthomolecular Psychiatry stated that nutrition affects the chemical environment of the brain and bloodstream, influencing various behaviors, emotions, and mental disorders.(1)

More recently, a series of papers on a 20-year study showed that a regimen of certain vitamins prevented the development of a neurological disorder called tardive sykinesia, a frequently irreversible disorder that occurs in a high percentage of patients on long-term treatment with major tranquilizers.(2) In a study of 61,000 patients, treated by 100 different doctors over a 20-year period, the introduction of vitamins B-3, C, E and B-6 decreased the expected rate of this terrible neurologic disorder from 25 percent to .04 percent. (3) (Among 61,000 patients protected by high dosage vitamin therapy, only 37, rather than the predicted nearly 20,000, developed the disorder.)(4)

The paper was largely ignored by the United States because there was still no context to give it credibility. The medical profession has simply been uninterested in nutrition, and organized medicine has traditionally been less-then-kind to innovators. It's helpful to remember that it's a foible of human nature to stoutly defend an established position despite overwhelming evidence against it; the only healthy way to deal with such lack of recognition is acceptance. Once we really understand the human condition, we'll feel compassion where we once might have felt condemnation. Compassion is one of the highest of all of the energy attractor power patterns. As we shall see, our capacity to understand, forgive, and accept is directly linked to personal health.

  1. See Hawkins and Pauling, 1973.
  2. See Tkacz and Hawkins, 1981.
  3. See Hawkins, 1989.
  4. See Hawkins, 1991.

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Reading the following will support your ability to make an important distinction about the dis-ease process.....

Health is the natural state of the body.

Anything that impedes the body's natural mandate to be as healthy as it can be contributes to the disharmony of the body, and the manifestation of what we call disease symptoms.

The positive quality in the energy behind any Thoughts, Words and Deeds can contribute to any healthy process.

The negative quality in the energy behind any Thoughts, Words and Deeds can contribute to any disease process.

An example of how our thoughts, words and deeds can influence our body depending on how we think, what we say and what we do.

  • Notice that you talk about your body, as a possession.
  • Notice that you talk about your thoughts, as a possessions.
  • Notice that you talk about each of your body parts, as possessions.
  • Notice that you talk about these things the same way you talk about your car, your clothes, your home or your self, as possessions.
  • Notice that you talk about your emotions as possessions.
  • Notice if you talk about your illness as a possession.
  • Ask your self who possesses these things?
  • Ask your self, who claims ownership of these things?
  • Notice that you are not the things which you possess.
  • Notice that you are not your body.
  • Notice that you are not your illness.
  • Notice that you are not your thoughts.
  • Notice that you are the intender and not the intention.
  • Notice that you are the experiencer of the experience.
  • Notice that you are the perceiver of the perceptions.
  • Notice that you are the observer of the observed.
  • Notice that you are the believer of the believed.
  • Notice that you are the source of your perception.
  • Notice that you are the source of your beliefs.
  • Notice that you are the source of your dreams.
  • Notice that you are the source and not the result.

Who is the YOU, that is noticing?

  • If you are the thinker and not the thoughts, notice if your thoughts support your body's health, or your body's disease.
  • Are you doing what is consistent with your body being healthy or diseased?
  • Do you intend to have a healthy body, or a diseased one?
  • Are your thoughts respectful of your body being healthy?
  • Are your words respectful of your body being healthy?
  • Are your deeds respectful of your body being healthy?

Increase your awareness in this area and you may be pleasantly surprised by what begins to happen.

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The Power of Natural vs. the Force of Unnatural.

That which is produced by Natural means has energetic qualities that the body recognizes because both are products of the wisdom of Nature. The body naturally establishes rapport with that which is natural. There are complementary energies composed of harmonious frequencies the body embraces in the same way that the sound of harmonious music is embraced by the body. There are even specific frequency ranges in music that dramatically increase the brains ability to store information that is being read from a book.

Naturally produced food, free of intrusive manipulation by man maintains complimentary frequencies the body relates to, allowing the body to naturally mediate the quantity and use of the food. To the extent there is interference by unnatural processes such as man made chemicals, forms of radiation, unnatural breeding or feeding of animals for food or unnatural genetic modification of the food, non-complimentary frequencies unfamiliar to the body, challenge the body's use of the different elements the body seeks to fulfill it physical needs. This has a similar affect on the body as noise does, as compared to the strengthening effect of music. It creates a form of malnutrition beyond the most obvious definition of the word.

The body has the innate ability to differentiate between frequencies of all energy forms be they expressed as chemical, radiological, physical or nonphysical, and testiing reveals that there is no limit to the body's ability to do this. The cells of the body cannot be fooled but they can be overwhelmed sometimes to the point of malfunctioning, by almost any unnaturally produced energy form including man made chemicals, negative thoughts and emotions or harmful physical events.

There are occasions when the body can elevate to such an energy state as to have symptoms disappear completely, sometimes in as short a period of time as a few hours. This unexplained phenomenon has been reported to occur sometimes when someone diagnosed with Disassociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder or Split Personality) has an health challenge such as Cancer or a hard tumor disappear in a few hours after switching personalities, and having it reappear when they revert to their original personality. In fact, spontaneous remissions or recoveries from every known disease have been recorded throughout history. Even western traditional medicine has documented spontaneous remissions or cures and never really investigated them seriously as they don't fit into the traditional paradigm of modern medicine. Interestingly, it is possible to induce a higher energy state in the body at will. Many athletes that excel at their sport are known to do this and achieve breakthroughs that, sometimes were considered impossibilities. Then, there are also the stories, some documented, of mothers in their hysteria lifting a car off of their child.

And there are frequencies that the body can harmonize to, and spontaneously heal, sometimes in as short a time as a few minutes.

Perhaps nowhere else is this "extraordinary" phenomena revealed as a universal human capability that each and every human being has, as in Richard Gordon's 1999 book Quantum -Touch: The Power to Heal. Richard Gordon is recognized as one of the pioneers in the field of energy healing. His best selling book Your Healing Hands -- the Polarity Experience has been translated into nine languages and is considered a classic study in energy work.

Using the simple principles as discussed in Quantum-Touch, literally in as short a time as one day, just about anyone can discover and develop their innate ability to not only participate in the healing of others, but also participate in inducing their own body's healing naturally. And, like learning to ride a bicycle for the first time, you can get better as you practice. Enjoy the ride.............

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